I'll write about the chaos of my life here, so any who are curious as to how I am going about it can check it out whenever! Bare with my rambling, I get excited.

Monday, October 08, 2007

A Temporary Rebellion

Today, my friend told me I ruined him.
I laughed.
I said "that's only because you take me seriously."

He visited, we spent hours juggling disgruntled thoughts about how to live our lives over coffee. (Way too much coffee I might add.) Then he went back to his farm of rice and soy beans, and I want back to my cell. I mean, cubicle.

But I have been defiant ever sense. My life may seem relatively unexciting and smooth from the exterior, but thats because you don't have a window to the small rebellions I stage.
Today...I didn't shower. I didn't wear a bra. I DID wear corduroys. And I remained barefoot for long stretches of time.
My other friend told me he doesn't like revolutions, only endeavors.
There you have it, friend. The endeavors of a corporate sell out.

It's ok though, because I face two options. I can find it depressing. Or I can find it amusing.
I've succumbed to both. Let me tell you, the latter is much more rewarding.

So now I like to picture my current life as something similar to a comic strip. I have slipped between the corporate cracks, and am a secret agent from "the other side", compiling research on how the machine runs, and therefore, how to destroy it. How to destroy it from the inside. I'm the roper.
I revel in defying their inhumane restrictions such as "dress code" and "1 hour breaks" and "using email for business purposes only."
I disrupt the "white noise" by laughing out loud or swearing at the person formerly on the phone.

Meanwhile, I collect my paychecks and stash them away (sort of) while planning an escape back to my real life.

I become more reckless with each day in passing. Maybe tomorrow, I'll be called to action. I'll get the go ahead to kick down the cubie walls and demand that we all be freed. I will call for an end to gopher-conversation with your neighbor! An end to windowless daydreaming of the possible changes in weather patterns! Shed your suits and ties folks, the revolution is here! Kick off your penny loafers and tousle that hair! And follow me!
Follow me past the 3 levels of security!
Follow me barefoot and untucked down to the park!
Follow me to the river, where we will throw a frisbee and feed ducks with the homeless!

Then I will bask in my mission accomplished, corporate cubies demolished.
After that you're all on your own. I'm only a temp, folks.


Blogger Unknown said...

awesome you would love Montreal and read Into the Wild favorite book think you would relate

10:56 PM


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