I'll write about the chaos of my life here, so any who are curious as to how I am going about it can check it out whenever! Bare with my rambling, I get excited.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm receiving some pressure from the outside to keep these coming at a higher rate. I apologize for dropping off the face of the blog world for a couple weeks there. My life is only so interesting, guys...jeez.

So it's 2 pm on a Sunday, I think...and I just woke up from going to sleep at 9:00 a.m. No, I was not out partying unti the sun went down, I was at the shelter keeping my eyes open with toothpicks on my first graveyard shift. That's a lie, we don't have any toothpicks, but if we did, there would have been nothing to stop me.

It actually wasn't as bad as I thought. I was pretty sure i was going to have to wage an inner battle with myself to stay awake from 1230 am to 830 am, but instead I fell into this pretty liquified state where time kinda foated by as I fried my brain in the front of the computer for 5 hours.

When I arrived, I immediately went for my first crutch, coffee. Turns out, hey!, it's cold. So I go to my next best option, soda machine. Turns out, hey!, it's out of order. Well of COURSE it is. So I will have all you coffee drinkers know, (myself included), that caffiene is not necessary. You're brain actually falls into quite a comforting, incoherent stage alllll by itself.


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