I'll write about the chaos of my life here, so any who are curious as to how I am going about it can check it out whenever! Bare with my rambling, I get excited.

Monday, August 14, 2006


I've always said that experience is the only way to truly learn something. I love to read, I love to write, I love to talk things out until I'm blue in the face, but I believe I have never come to completely understand things until I myself have gone through them.

And this my friends, is one GIANT learning experience. It's been a month since I left home, and I feel like I've aged by at least two years. Which today, resulted in all three of us laying on the floor laughing hysterically at ourselves and the situations we've come across so far.

Let me tell you what I've learned. (All mostly things I have heard out of my parents mouths at one time or another - but like I said, experience is a must for me. A.k.a I'm stubborn.)

Number one, mechanics are cruel. I apologize to any of you who are close to one, it's a generalization I am sure I am wrong about...somewhere. They tell you whatever their little heart desires to get some more cash out of you, especially if you're a 5'4" 22 year-old blonde. They tell you you need a new battery, when you most likely do not. They tell you your breaks are fine, but then put them back on in an oblong fashion so that your car vibrates you out of your seat on your ride home. So you have to go back.

Comcast, doesn't care about you and your dire need for the internet. And Comcast workers do not appreciate wasps exploding into their face from where they are supposed to connect your internet. Also, routers are not the same things as...other boxes that look exactly like routers but are only for LAN systems. Luckily a nice old man decided taking advantage of two computer-retarded young girls was not a nice thing to do, and let us in on this secret. Then charged us 30 more dollars for the correct router.

Restaurants will not hire you as a waitress without experience. Neither will bars, or pubs, or cafes. Or Spas. (I really didn't want to work there anyway.) Job searching with a degree in communications is like trying to find, dare I say, a needle in a haystack? Only this needle is extra small, and the same color as the hay, and it hates you.

Ok, I'm a tiny bit bitter. I'll get over it.
I do think everyone might appreciate my latest email to a job posting:

"Here is my brief email.

I bet I want this job a lot. I think you should tell me about it. Maybe we can make things happen. That would be fantastic.

Lauren Beaudoin"

I figured, the profesional attempt, is not so much working for me...why not try the creative route. The job posting was cheesey and creative, so I figured they might appreciate the same in return. If not, well, maybe someone got a laugh.

Oh yea, and driving on the west coast, is very different from driving on the east coast. People believe in the speed limit here, and in giving themselves enough time to get to places, therefore not swerving lanes and making unexpected U-turns and cutting each other off. Needless to say, we haven't mastered the art of colorado patience, it still makes our east coast blood boil a little bit. It also makes me laugh, because we're rediculous.

While at a Beer and Bluegrass Festival up on Keystone Mountain, I learned that dancing barefoot in the rain with a beer in one hand and a giant turkey leg in the other to bluegrass music, does NOT make you a classy lady. A kind man waking past decided to share that with us, in a nice way of course. After he took the rest of Jennas turkey.

I learned that the east coast does have an image portrayed across the country. When talking with my friend Woody the bartender, he asked where I was from. I told him. He's from California. His response to CT was, "Oh so the east coast, I've never been over that far. Isn't it really hardcore and fast paced over there?" And now I've come to learn through comparison, yes, it is. I've been told numerous times it's quite obvious I am from that side due to my sarcasm and intensity. Oops. We'll see if Colorado smooths me over. (I doubt it.)

The job searching continues...the learning continues...and the coming to conclusions about me and my big crazy ideas continues. Stay tuned if you feel as though I might entertain you.


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